Sunday, January 25, 2009

Motive and Purpose

I'm the type of person that likes to analyze things - hard things, not just the obvious ones. I have my own interesting set of thoughts and patterns - from how I act, what I love, what I think and why I do the things I do. I CONSTANTLY find myself trying to get stronger - more aware of myself. I pride myself on trying to figure things out - mostly about myself, but much more recently about others. I study people. I study what they do, what they say, how they say it or do it and I ask myself "why?"

It's hard sometimes watching from a distance...evaluating - like I'm some kind of creep peering into someone's private life when they don't want me there. When people know I'm reading them, sometimes they get defensive - others back away - but most of the time I just go about my merry way and get enjoyment out of my hobby in the most subtle of approach.

So, I'm also a strong person. I pride myself on my toughness - both physically and mentally. And with that comes strong opinions. I don't claim to be the smartest person. But in this little pocket I live in, I was thinking that there has to be people out there that might hear my words and get something out of it. I think a lot of people are afraid to challenge the status quo. It's too much work to ponder why they behave a certain way or why they think a certain thing - what makes people tick - if there's something you've been missing out on because you're afraid of what you might find if you look?

This blog is for me to just tell it how I see it - for better or for worse. As I said, I want to break down the fourth wall and talk direct to anyone that is willing to listen - I'm going to talk about the things that are the most important things in the world to me - the deep stuff. This blog won't be about my favorite baseball team or about how much I love my family - those things are a given and that stuff is for another forum. No - this is about guts - it's about challenging myself - challenging you. Talking about the "hard" topics like religion, ethics, morality, values, spirituality, politics, behavior, philosophy - what's right and what's wrong - stereotypes, prejudice, greed, goodness, love and hate.

I just want to lay it out - and if you don't like what I have to say, you have two options - stop reading and go away. Or if you're willing to have a dialog and you're open minded enough to consider an alternative viewpoint, drop me a comment. I will get back to you - like I said, I'm strong in what I believe - but I'm open-minded enough to hear what others have to say. That's how I got where am I in the first place.

Time to break down the 4th wall - if you're willing, come along for the ride...

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